Would like to formally shout out and acknowledge the over 500 news outlets that carried stories of the launch of my book Entrepreneurship-Believe & Achieve. With the help of these few samples of the news agencies in the United States, China, Europe and India as well as a few
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This book turns entrepreneurship learning upside down. Universities teach Entrepreneurship by case study approach, like here is Henry Ford and here is what he did and by the way he invented this speedy production line. The case study does not mention AI or robots or automation.

The present book Entrepreneurship-Believe & Achieve starts by addressing why more people don’t start a business and then turn to existing businesses and what makes them malfunction. The book takes the reader inside real business today and explains in detail the skills you will need to properly succeed in business.

After reading this book many businesses have changed their ways, their rules and procedures and have got their business running on all 12 cylinders. Many businesses are running on 5 or 6 cylinders and need this book to understand how to tune up their business.

If you don’t want to read this book then you can have outside consultants come in from Canberra Company, one of the top management consulting firms, in the United States to tune up the business for them.

There is much to glean from this book for everyone.